7 Step Guide To How Cord Blood Banking Works

Cord blood stem cell banking is becoming popular with every passing day! Not all chronic ailments have a definite treatment. Parents and families in order to secure the lives of their children and other family members today have been counting on cord blood storing. This is because popular research and case studies highlight that cord blood stem cells have cured over 80 ailments that range from cancerous diseases, ailments like sickle cell disease, diabetes and other blood and immunological diseases. But not everyone is aware of the steps which are essential to the cord blood banking process. Here are simple 7 steps to guide you about the process. Step 1- Enrolment or Sign-Up: This is the first and initial step for securing the cord blood stem cell of your baby! So, this is something that you need to do prior to your delivery date. After you have decided on the cord blood bank to join hands with, you can simply enrol online or by placing a request through a...