Cord Blood Banking Reviews

Cord Blood Banking: Effective and Best means to give new lease of life to patients Cord blood banking is one of the newest and the best medical practices; doctors are following to save the life of small infants and bigger individuals. Cord blood is extracted from umbilical cord of the newborn baby; it can be used for personal use or be donated for public use. The process of extracting cord blood is pretty simple; it’s a painless process that the new mothers do not even realize, when it really happened. After removing the blood, it is shipped to the bank where it is tested and further stored for future use. It is stored under deep-freezing till the time they are required for treating any illness of the same baby or any other member of the family. There are mixed Cord blood banking Reviews , some people feel it is not worth it while some really have benefitted of extracting and using it too. Around, 2000 stem cell transplants take place around the globe every year. The number...