Getting Your Toddler To Play By Herself

It is frustrating when your toddler wants you to be with her all the time throughout the day as a means of entertainment. And when your toddler calls your name, you know it well it is her playtime. It is very usual for 1 and 2 years-old toddlers who do not want to play by their own until they get any commands and full attention from their moms. However, this is not possible every time for busy moms. Still, you want to spend time with your kid thinking it is your foremost responsibility to rear your toddler. And in order to offer the best parenting care to your baby, you seem to be lost in the transition and become too much frustrated as your toddler tends to yell at you when you leave her back. When you teach your toddler to entertain themselves, it is not just a crucial technique to restore your mental peace; it fosters the development of creativity and cognition in toddlers also. We often use to guide our children how to perform a particular task using some obj...